Aidan hit it out to right field for a triple.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Aidan's Last Game of the Season...
Aidan hit it out to right field for a triple.
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11:48:00 AM
You know you want to
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Father's Day Hike
For Father's Day, Ty wanted to go hiking. We went up to Thomas Creek and went on about a 3 mile hike. Ty likes to run and mountain bike up there, but this was the first time at this creek for the rest of us. It is really pretty up there, especially by the creek where there's a bigger variety of tree, plants, etc. than mostly the pine trees surrounding us.
At the beginning of the hike, Aidan, Finn and Brogan stayed with me while Ty and Connor ran up the trail ahead of us. We were about halfway to our destination when they met back up with us. Aidan had made walking sticks for himself and the twins. Finn kept offering me hers, but I had to tell her thank you, but it's easier to walk without it (in my opinion). Everyone kept throwing sticks in the creek for Chessie to fetch and she would only find them about half the time, but she loved it. At one point we were up above the creek probably about 4-5 feet and she had gone in the creek to get the huge stick Ty threw for her, but she couldn't get out and was not going to let go of that stick. Ty had to grab her by the collar and help her up. The kids had a lot of fun exploring and finding huge pine cones and places to wander through. People go horseback riding up there too, so there were a ton of piles of horse poop to avoid although Aidan told me Brogan stepped in them a couple of times. Eww! Towards the end of the hike there was a cool place where a bunch of trees had fallen over the creek and I had the kids climb over them for a picture with Ty. We had a good time spending time together.
Afterwards we went to see Crampa and have dessert, but we were a little earlier than planned and had dinner too and just hung out for awhile.
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4:44:00 PM
You know you want to
Monday, June 16, 2008
How Stupid Is This?
During Brogan's tournament game, I went out to the car to get my sweatshirt and as I opened the door, my pants got stuck like this..........
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10:09:00 PM
You know you want to
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Brogan's Rookie Tournament
Brogan played in his first baseball tournament tonight. He was sooo excited because this was the first time all year that they would keep score. His team, the Dodgers, were the visitors against the Rangers. They warmed up for awhile and Brogan was all ready to be first up to bat. Then the teams were announced with all the kids getting their names called out. Look how small Brogan is next to all the other players. He struck out his first up at bat, but on his second up at bat he got a home run! (Due to overthrows that is.) Brogan loves to slide into home plate...even if he's not even close to being tagged out. His third up at bat, he got out at first. He played out in right center field and while I waited and waited to take a picture of him when the ball came out to him, it never did. That is until I finally went and sat down in the bleachers and wouldn't you know it.....the ball was hit right to him! He did really good at getting the ball back in to the infield. The game was pretty long. Almost 2 1/2 hours, because the teams kept tying the game up. The Dodgers ended up losing 20-19, but it was a great, exciting game. After the game, Brogan walked out of the gate by the dugout and simply said, "I'm the only one not crying." He really is a good loser. He just has fun. The kids on his team were not only sad about losing, but as Brogan's friend Trevor said while crying, "I'm really going to miss this team."
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11:35:00 PM
You know you want to