I got this survey from Aunt Dixie and though I emailed it, I also thought I would post it. I would love to see everyone elses answers, too, on their blogs or an email.
1. Wrapping paper or gift bags? Wrapping paper
2. Real tree or Artificial? Artificial - though this is only the 2nd year for it.
3. When do you put up the tree? Three days ago, but that's only because we have an artificial tree. With a real one, not until sometime the first week in December because I am really bad about keeping it watered.
4. When do you take the tree down? Usually New Year's Day
5. Do you like egg nog? YES!
6. Favorite gift received as a child? I really have no idea.
7. Do you have a nativity scene? Yes
8. Hardest person/s to buy for? Ty
9. Easiest person to buy for? Finn, because she likes and wants everything!
10. Mail or email Christmas cards? Unfortunately neither. I am not organized enough to send Christmas cards.
11. Worst Christmas gift you ever received? I wouldn't say worst, but most unusual and funny. The Christmas after the twins were born, Ty gave me 2 cushioned toilet seats because when I was pregnant with the twins, one day when I sat on the toilet seat.....it broke! I can't believe I am telling everyone this!
12. Favorite Christmas movie? A Christmas Story
13. When do you start shopping for Christmas? 2-3 weeks before Christmas.....aye yi yi!!!
14. Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? No
15. Favorite thing to eat at Christmas? Fudge
16. Clear lights or colored on the tree? Colored are my favorite, but since we have the artificial tree it came with clear lights.
17. Favorite Christmas song? Do You Hear What I Hear
18. Travel at Christmas or stay home? Stay home
19. Can you name all of Santa's reindeers? Yes
20. Angel on the tree top or a star? A Star
21. Open the presents Christmas Eve or morning? Christmas morning, but a tradition we have just as when I was growing up, the kids get to open their new Christmas jammies on Christmas Eve.
22 . Most annoying thing about this time of year? People ignoring/not realizing the real reason we celebrate Christmas.
23. Favorite ornament theme or color? Santas
24. Favorite for Christmas dinner? Well, depending on when we get together with my family, Christmas Eve or Christmas night, we usually have deli sandwiches. Everyone likes it and it's easy.
25. What do you want for Christmas this year? An MP3 player
26. What do you like most about Christmas? Everything!
Saturday, December 1, 2007
Christmas Survey
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10:47:00 PM
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Sunday, September 16, 2007
The Great Reno Balloon Races
Every September, Reno hosts The Great Reno Balloon Races at Rancho San Rafael park and people from all over the country come to participate in this event. It is pretty cool seeing a hundred balloons (or more) filling up then floating above you in the sky.
A beautiful sunrise
Starting to inflate
Ty and the kids
Heading up
Finn says these two are kissing
Goofball brothers
Finn...walking like an Egyptian?
We had a really great time together!
Posted by
6:31:00 PM
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Twins First Day of Kindergarten
When they got inside the classroom, Finn was still pretty happy about being there, but as you can see, Brogan was starting to have doubts about being in school ALL day.
They came home and they had a great time and really like their teacher, Mrs. Saulsgiver. They also made a lot of new friends. Finn's best friend is Isabell and Brogan's best friend is a girl named Kaylah, who happens to be 11 inches taller than him!
One day in the following weeks after school started, Brogan came home one day and said it was the "Best day I've ever had in my whole life!" I guess he likes it after all.
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5:58:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Sprinkler System
So after 12 years, we are finally getting grass in our backyard! I don't like admitting that it's been that long but it seems like with all projects, when you have the time you don't have the money and when you have the money you don't have the time. Well whether or not we had the time or money, we decided it absolutely couldn't wait one more year! We have had the trees and a patio for several years. We are fortunate enough to have a really large yard (we live on almost 1/3 acre) now we can start enjoying it.
Brogan likes to dig, so he helped with the trenches.
Connor helped Ty with a lot of the pipe - glueing, fitting corner pieces and laying it.
Ty spreading the humus.
Ty's friend Antonio tilling the humus into the dirt. Antonio helped out so much and probably did most of the prep work for us to be able to do this this year. We traded his labor for one of our trucks. What a great deal! He is such a hard worker and a really good guy.
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10:08:00 PM
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Thursday, August 23, 2007
Sand Harbor
Over 2 months into summer vacation and we finally made it up to Lake Tahoe. Usually we get up there sooner than that. Just Grammie came with us this time. We didn't get to Sand Harbor until early afternoon, so we didn't have a lot of time to spend there that day because I had to go home to get ready to go play Bunko.
It is so nice up there. The water is so pretty and clear but soooo cold (as you can tell from one of the pictures of Brogan). It's not so bad though and actually feels kind of good once you get your whole body in and over the initial shock of how cold it is.
Grammie buried Aidan in the sand - one of his favorite things to do at the beach. Finn had fun playing in the pool of water they made with the sand and the log. They like playing with the log out in the water or sitting on it at the edge of the water. Connor found all kinds of rocks to take home (not sure what his plan for them is - he always has to be finding something from somewhere to bring home). Aidan brought his flippers and goggles and had fun with those. Brogan didn't venture too far out in the water but Finn went out really far with me on the fun noodles while Grammie stayed with the boys on the beach. That was a fun little girl time for me and her.
We had a really great time!
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7:44:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Crampa and Finnie Fall Asleep
One night while hanging out at Grammie and Crampa's house, Finnie and Crampa fell asleep together. Then Crampa woke up from me taking a picture.
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11:15:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Air Center Criterium
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10:34:00 PM
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Saturday, August 18, 2007
Playgroup Day At Wild Island
Every summer we have a playgroup day at Wild Island. Instead of paying $23/person, we only have to pay $9/person with the special group rate. I don't know if we would ever go if we didn't get that rate. It is so expensive. Plus you're not allowed to bring in your own food or drinks, so you have to buy their overpriced food that's not that good or bring a cooler and eat lunch in your car. But since we are getting a really good admittance price, we go ahead and buy their food because really it's much easier than trekking the kids out to the car. Word spreads quickly about the day planned at the water park and before you know it, you've got 60-130 people coming. And when you are the contact/planner (like I was), you get a free admission for every 20 paid. It can get a little hectic with all those people giving you their money ahead of time so you can go buy the tickets then hand them out, but soooo worth it to get a few free tickets.
Aidan likes going on ALL slides. Connor only likes some of them and this year I tried to talk the twins into going on the bigger slides that they were tall enough for instead of always having to stay in the kiddie area. Finn said she wanted to go, but Brogan didn't. Connor went with her (see picture below with the ones in the green swim suits) and I was sure that as soon as she got to the top and looked down she would be heading right back down the stairs. She has always been the more cautious one and Brogan being the more brave one who will do just about anything, so I was a little surprised that she would go and he wouldn't. Well, she didn't come down those stairs.....she came down the slide.....and loved it! She said how much fun it was and that was it...Brogan had to go now! So he went with Aidan (see picture below with the orange swim suit) and he loved it! They kept going on the slides and I even got to go take turns with them. Even though it is sometimes sad to watch your kids grow up so fast, it is also nice to be able to really enjoy some fun things with them.
Posted by
6:23:00 PM
You know you want to
Friday, August 17, 2007
A Day At Rattlesnake Mountain Skate Park
As if hours at the skate park weren't enough the day of his party, I had to take Aidan and Austin to Rattlesnake Mountain Skate Park aka Mira Loma Skate Park 3 days later. This is the one close to Grammie and Crampa's house. Brogan always asks if we can go to this one. Too bad I didn't get any videos of him. Here is Aidan doing a couple of his skateboarding tricks. He thinks it's so cool to have me video him doing it so he can watch himself over and over later!!!
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10:43:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Aidan's Birthday Party
Aidan had a party with his friends the Saturday after his birthday. He invited a few friends to go to the local skate park first, then to our house when more kids came over to swim and hang out. We should have planned more time at the skate park, because that is what the kids really seemed to want to do. After they went swimming, they wanted to go back but I didn't have enough room in the van to take all of them. They didn't swim very long either since it was windy and not an especially hot day for August. It was pretty crazy with 7 extra kids running around the house. Ty had to work, so I was the only adult for awhile. Luckily when one of the boys showed up, his dad Tom (who happens to be Aidan and Connor's baseball coach) stayed to help me with BBQ'ing the hot dogs and hamburgers. Then Ty came home and setup the pinata and pulled it up and down so it would be harder for them to hit. This is the first time we have done a pinata. Aren't they great! Kids always love a pinata! Unfortunately, not everyone got a turn to hit it. Next time, we'll only give them 2 whacks instead of 3. They sure do love going after that candy! After all the kids except Aidan's best friend Austin went home, I took them to another skate park not far from our house that they hadn't been to before. Then back to the one closer to us to take some videos and then not home until after 8. What a long day! I was pooped. It's all worth it to make your kids happy and give them good memories though.
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2:12:00 AM
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Aidan's 11th Birthday
Aidan turned 11 on July 30. We had the spaghetti that he chose for his birthday dinner, then Grandma, Aunt Rayne, Uncle Dave, Hanna, Grammie, Crampa, Whitney, Ross, Darin and Toby all came over to share cake and ice cream.
He got some great gifts from everyone. He loved all of it! The shirt we got him was the "sickest" (that's a good thing) shirt he's ever had. He got the guitar and Nerf longshot he'd been wanting for a long time. And what's your birthday without getting to light your own candles!
Posted by
12:39:00 AM
1 You know you want to
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
The Day We Met Toby James Tiner
The day Toby was born, I went to the hospital to sit and wait with Mom, Pop and Whit. I got to visit with Ross and Darin for a few minutes while she was in labor. We waited for a few hours in the cafeteria downstairs and finally got a call saying that he had been born just before midnight (around 11:45 I think). Mom was the first one to rush up to see him. She was just proud as pudding to get to be the first one! A little bit later, Whit, Pop and me got to go see Toby for just a few minutes as it was very late and Ross was very tired.
The next evening, I took the kids to the hospital to see their brand new cousin. They were so excited to see him! Finn and Brogan have never got to hold a brand new baby like that before and Aidan and Connor haven't for a long time. They just loved holding him. Of course I was so excited too! I love being an aunt! Especially since I haven't had a baby of my own in a long time. There is just nothing like a newborn and an infant. Sigh.
I can't believe my sister is a mom now!
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10:36:00 PM
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