I've been slacking on getting our posts done, so here's some from the last month and a half. I really love doing the slide shows because sometimes I want to show a lot of pictures. The posts start with the end of baseball and end with sunshine. More coming soon!
Love you all!
Monday, July 23, 2007
Catch Up
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11:46:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Rays of Sunshine
A couple of weeks ago, Aidan said to come look at the sky and see how cool it looked. We came and looked and saw these rays of sun coming out from behind the clouds. You don't get to see that very often, so I had to take some pictures. It really looks beautiful.
Posted by
11:01:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Fourth of July
Our Fourth of July celebration consisted of going to Grammie and Crampa's house for barbeque, then up to Rancho San Rafael to watch the fireworks. We had a yummy dinner, good company and played a game of croquet which was stopped short so we wouldn't be late to see the fireworks. Grammie gave the kids glow bracelets and poppers. They loved that. We had 2 vehicles, so we parked the van and all hopped in the back of the truck to head over to the park. We were really close to where they shoot them off from, so it was nice and loud. I say it's not worth watching fireworks if you can't feel them too!
Posted by
10:17:00 PM
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Pancake breakfast/Finn two-wheelin'
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9:13:00 PM
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Finn's date night/boys score night
Finn got a date night with Mom and Dad when Whitney took the boys to a skate demo. We went to dinner at Johnny Rockets. She had fun putting nickels in the jukebox and pushing the letters and numbers to pick a song. We all had shakes and guess who didn't drink hers. It was a good time for just the 3 of us. And the bonus is we got out of there without Finn spilling anything.
When we were done, we went to Grammie and Crampa's to pick up the boys. Brogan ended up running errands with Grammie and she bought him his own snorkel/goggles/flippers set to swim in the pool.
Whitney had Aidan and Connor who totally scored at the skate demo. They had left and she talked them in to going back and it is lucky they did. They got to meet Jamie Thomas (who is one of Whit's "fravorite" skaters). He saw their skateboards and told them how rugged they looked and told his friend to go get him 2 new decks for the boys. They also got T-shirts, stickers and posters with lots of autographs. WOW!
Posted by
7:35:00 PM
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Splash Park
This is a fun little place called Melio Gaspari Splash Park at Lazy 5. It only costs $2/person and you can stay all day if you want. You can bring in your own food or buy at the snack bar.
The kids have a lot of fun there. We've only gone 2 times this summer. Maybe we'll go again this week. The first time we went for playgroup, Aidan and his friend Austin decided they didn't want to play in the water so they rode their skateboards to the other side of the park to the skate park that is there. Well after awhile, they came back and were too hot so they came in and played in their shorts.
Posted by
5:59:00 PM
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End of regular season baseball
Here are some pictures from the the kids' last couple of games during regular season. Which ended June 16th! Think I'm behind a little bit?
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4:42:00 PM
1 You know you want to
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
One Reason To Never Let Your Kids Have Gum
You'll never guess why there is gum on Aidan's eye.....and he's not the only one. By the time I saw Connor and Brogan they had most of it cleaned off of their eyes.
As I'm sure you can tell from the picture, Aidan was upset about the fact that he had gum stuck in his eyelashes and all around his eye and that I was taking pictures of it. Now are you ready for this?
The boys were taking a shower and for some reason had taken the Big League Chew they got from the ballpark earlier in the evening and stuck it on their eyes for EYE PATCHES!!! ARR!
Now obviously the warm water from the shower made it so soft and gooey and soooo hard to get off. First we tried cold water and ice. That wasn't working, so I got out my trusty Goo Gone and a paper towel, but got in trouble from Ty for rubbing it across Aidan's eyelashes. It's natural ingredients, so who would of thought it would irritate the skin! However, I was being very careful to not get it into his eye. He took over the situation and used Q-tips and mineral oil. Dad saved the day! I don't think they'll ever be doing that again.
Posted by
11:53:00 PM
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Do You Know Where the Salon's At?.....
I'll check it out!That's what Aidan said in a girly voice after he shaved his own head! He's such a goofball. He is totally into having a shaved head lately and can hardly go 2-3 weeks without doing it. I personally don't like it shaved that close...I like it when it's about 2-3 weeks grown out, so when he wants to shave it, somehow I talk him into doing it "later" - whenever that is! Hehe!
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10:43:00 PM
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Monday, July 2, 2007
Brogie's toad
About a month ago we were at the park for playgroup and just before we were leaving the kids saw a toad under the picnic tables. It took them a couple of minutes to catch it and Brogan kept holding it upside down so it was making all kinds of noise to tell him that he didn't like it. We needed to go so I told him to go put it out in the grassy area where there was a little creek (more like a path of standing water with the most awful stench-eeewwww!) since it was a very hot day. Brogan kept walking around putting the toad down then picking it up and putting it somewhere else to find just the right spot. He finally did and we left it there for the other kids from our group to play with. Brogan really, really wanted to bring it home with us.
Later that night, I went out to the van to get something and as I approached I saw something jump in front of me and jump behind the tire. I let out my version of a scream - hahaha - since I can't really scream and realized that it was a toad and called for Brogan to come outside to see it. I knew he would be soooo happy. He and everyone except Aidan came out and Ty got it out from under the van and gave it to Brogan. Aidan was in the shower so we decided to give him a little scare. Brogan pulled back the curtain and set it in the back of the shower. Aidan thought it was a rock at first and when it jumped it startled him - it was great!
Well again Brogan kept holding holding it upside down like the other one and it was making noise too to tell him he didn't like it. By the way, Brogan thought this was the same toad from the park and that it had followed us to the car and jumped on and came home with us. I love his little mind! He wanted to keep this one too but I said we didn't have anything to keep it in and it would be happier to live outside. I told him to water the bushes in front of the house and he could set it under one to keep nice and cool. Once again he didn't want to let it go and had to find the perfect spot.
And here he is.
Posted by
10:32:00 PM
1 You know you want to